Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Calling all guest writers from this upcoming 2013 Asia to Alaska Cruise... don’t be alarmed, surprised or shocked if in your email inbox you find a invitation to be a guest writer for this upcoming blog article series.

I wanted to do something different and ask our guests to write an article about how they heard about this cruise, what prompted them to want to go, what are they looking forward to. I also wanted to take this opportunity for our writers to introduce themselves to the group and share their cruise experience which may or may not include past trips with the Davis‘ as well as their interest and passion for travel. 

The article is pretty much in the hands of the guest writer. You can be creative, matter of fact or humorous! The article has no length limits, so short couple of paragraphs or pour your heart out and write a novella. You can personalize it and share stories of fellow cruisers  (as long as you are “nice”, remember what your mother taught you?) or keep it simple and share what you know best...yourself and your passion for cruising, traveling or friendships. 

Want to give a shout out thanks to Jo Mary for being our first guest writers as well as to Karen & Buzz Vaughn, Scott & Liddy Paulsen, Linda Spacil, Cristin George and my hubby Roger who quickly responded with a of course I can help! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you....oh by the way Jo Mary, Michael, Karen, Buzz, Scott & Liddy are all returnees to our group. And Linda and Cristin are our new friends which I look forward to officially meeting them soon. So Welcome Aboard and thanks for your help in our Cruise Connection series... Can’t wait to see you all in print!

Photo provided by RTA & Associates


Hello Fellow Cruisers,

 Diana asked me to write something for the blog, so here goes.

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Jo Mary Murphy. I am retired from the City of Irvine, Community Service Dept. I worked at City Hall for 15 years.  I think I’ve known Diana for 19 + years. Roger worked on the third floor of City Hall and though I knew his name I never met him until the Med Cruise.

My husband Mike and I love to travel so when Diana approached us about the Mediterranean Cruise 6 years ago we jumped at the chance to be part of her travel group. We have been to Europe before but not to any of the cities on that cruise. This was something we had always wanted to do. The trip was two years in the making and it’s been almost four years ago since we flew to Barcelona.  What an amazing adventure we all had, all 60 plus of us. Mike and I met so many new friends and I got to spend time with my friends from the City. One of the best parts of the day for us was dinner where everyone came together and discussed what they did that day. Not everyone goes on the same excursions so it was great to hear about the things we missed. Unfortunately we can’t “do it all” as they say.

Now we get to do it all over again with the Asian Cruise. We can’t wait!!!!!

For you new cruisers, being with a large group has its perks. Familiar faces in a foreign country for one. Or being able to join a group of friends on an excursion, or just going off on your own. Having drinks before dinner or lunch with old and new friends. It’s all up to you. If you just want some alone time to relax, you’ve got it. Also, you don’t need to pack a lot since the ship has laundry service. It’s well worth the extra fee.

This will be our 5th cruise, first time on Princess and second time with Diana and Roger. Our other cruises were with groups of friends, some large and some small. We have always had a wonderful time.  So if some of you are still trying to decide whether to go, just do it. You won’t regret it.

Mike and I hope to travel again in the future on one of Diana and Roger’s famous cruises. We are looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones on this Asian Cruise.

Bon Voyage,

Jo Mary