Friday, November 2, 2012


Let Us Just Buzz and Karen Vaughn
We thought you might be wondering how two seemingly normal, quiet and upstanding people ever fell in with the likes of Roger and his adorable and sweet wife, Diana. You are probably curious about how she got mixed up with him, too, but thatʼs a different article....’! The tale goes back a few years.......
It was 1976 and Roger had just become my boss in the Purchasing Department at the City of Irvine. I know, I know.....I should have immediately sensed something amiss with a man who wore a leisure suit with white patent loafers, a 4” wide white patent belt and had a life size CP3O cardboard figure in his office. Color me....DUH!!
Suffice it to say it was a very interesting 17 years. Yes.....I did this for 17 years - daily!! One of the only other women to surpass this record is Diana, so I suppose we both deserve a little credit for something....not sure what, but something. Funny thing is, I actually knew Diana before Roger in her role with the Cityʼs Parks and Recreation Department. She and I formed a quick and lasting friendship and though she chose to ignore my early warnings about Roger, I will be forever happy that she listened to her heart instead.
So around 1986, Buzz came into my life and he and Roger met through my work shortly after. The good news (I suppose) was they seemed to get along rather well...actually really well.....maybe too well. Do not ask what Buzz gave Roger for his 50th birthday, or what they laughed their heads off about at at friend’s wedding. They can’t remember one and the other is an inside joke, but these two events were harbingers of the future.
 The next good news was Buzz had already gotten rid of his polyester leisure suit (and Diana has reported that Roger  finally out grew his) so that was one less worry for both Diana and me. (Although, Laura, our fingers are crossed for you that Dell got rid of his polyester tux so he won’t think of reviving that formal wear from 1995 at Diana and Roger’s Vegas Renewal, yikes!) And the great news was that I told Roger he should surprise Diana and take her on the Coastal Cruise I had planned as a birthday surprise for Buzz and... he agreed!
This was not without some trauma, however. If you know what apoplexy is, you will know how Roger reacted to the $2500 price tag. I cajoled for days and appealed to his purchasing sensibilities in the could he pass up a 7-day package that included 2 people, in a full suite, had free food (magic word), lodging, steward services, transportation, entertainment, many fun stops and the camaraderie of a cruise? He finally wrote the check. So, we surprised them both and the rest has become history....and an expensive thorn in Rogerʼs side, but a very beloved and fun one, too. (Right, Rog’?)
Since that first cruise together....where Diana and I discovered we really love the pampered life more than we thought (sorry Stella) and shared a passion for food and travel (guess youʼve noticed that)....we were hooked. Seems the menfolk were hooked as well! Could have been the spa treatments, comfy bars, cocktails & card games or the dancing girls or the food, or maybe the fact that they could travel without lugging suitcases hither and yon, didnʼt have to pack and unpack to see many cities and sights or that there were plenty of places to imbibe. Probably for all those reasons and certainly several others, cruising worked itʼs magic and we have been on many wonderful journeys together over the years.
But knowing the Davis’ isnʼt just about cruising. Itʼs about friendship and the people along the way. They include everyone with open arms and warmth. You cannot be unhappy in their presence. Diana, being the adorable, sweet woman that she is, and having a background in Recreation & Leisure Services, takes the game to an entirely new level, too.
Beginning with their wedding in Maui in 1990 and renewal ceremonies every 5 years in places like Vegas 1995, Re-Mauiʼd in Maui 2000, a Caribbean cruise 2005 and Cancun/ Mayan Riviera 2010, Diana and Roger have opened their travels and adventures to their expanding group of friends and loved ones. Subsequent cruises have found many of us together in China, the Mediterranean, Baja, the Mexican Riviera and soon the exciting Asia to Alaska cruise in 2013.
Each of these adventures has let us make new friends, renew old friendships, see wonderful sights and experience much of the world together. Along with their hosted cocktail events, commemorative tee shirts and goodies, we have also received wonderful discounts, upgrades or credits with our group packages. Diana and Roger always make sure their guests get the most cluck for their buck, and thanks to the efforts of Alex Kuncio, our dedicated travel agent, we have achieved some very special treatment. Her arrangements for our overnight in Rome were exceptional. The post cruise stay in Venice was sublime.
Then Diana tops it off with things like arranging group photos, pre-cruise luncheons (donʼt miss this event on March 2) and creating the Roger and Dianaʼs Cruise Blog. A lifelong learner, Diana has picked up the Blogging bug quite nicely. Her articles are always interesting, pertinent (Russell - read them please) and provide so much information that make your travels smooth and carefree. Be sure you donʼt miss any of her issues....they are really packed with great stuff.
And that my friends, is how we got mixed up in the best times of our lives. Who knew white patent shoes would prove to be like Ruby Slippers instead, but click your heels and you too will have a fabulous time. If you are new to the group, Welcome, and prepare to fasten your seat belts. Itʼs a wonderful ride, with marvelous people and amazing sights. The friendships we have made and the places we have been fill our hearts immensely and our photo books for a lifetime. Bon Voyage and see you all sooner than you think!! And many thanks to Roger and Diana. We love you!!