Saturday, March 23, 2013


Here's cruise biz updates that Alex has shared with me .... 

Number One
You should be receiving your cruise documents from Alex by mail within a few days, if you haven't already. Look for a large white envelope. All the information you have been planning with Alex is in your packet. So please be sure you read all the fine prints. There are pages so thumb through all the details. Double check your information! I am not going to list each items since each of you has a personalized  packet that was arranged between you and Alex. My only recommendation is to check NOW, so if there are issues, Alex can assist you. Feel free to call or email her. Thanks Alex for getting this to us! Yes, I got ours!

Number Two
If you would like to add Pre-Paid Gratuity to your booking, contact Alex by email or call her to make this arrangement. Yes, you can pay ahead or you can wait till the end of your cruise
when they will hand out envelopes and you can then decide to give what amount to whom or charge it to your ship sail credit account. There was a blog article that I posted on March 18 regarding Gratuity and Tipping.

Number Three
Check your Shanghai port of call time schedule on April 28th. There is a change in our arrival and departure time. It is due to "Tidal Restraints", which means the ship has to change their docking time due to the ocean's tide level which will not allow them to sail in as originally planned. The NEW SCHEDULE will be arrival time of 10:00AM and departure time of 11:59PM this is a change from our original schedule of 7:00am to 6:00pm.

This schedule has great advantage and adds another wonderful experience for us. The skyline of Shanghai is incredible, especially the view of the modernistic Bund region. Not sure where are ship will be docked. But I am hoping to be on the ship's deck with my camera because you want to capture whether by memory with a drink or a digital click with your camera of this most majestic view. So let's cross our fingers that that the Diamond Princess sails right pass this incredible skyline. Anyone want to meet me on deck?

Number Four
Lastly, now that you have your cruise/travel's time to organize and put it in your portfolio booklet that Roger and I gave you. This handy tool is something I do for every trip. You can add your notes that you might have taken or those clipped magazine articles as well. Hopefully it's got enough pages for you and don't forget you can always back to back the pages to increase your space. Doing this will certainly add to the long awaited anticipation of this exotic cruise and when you return you will have a handy souvenir memory of your trip.

It's nearly Bon Voyage Time everyone.... 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Pre-Trip Panic Attack?’s really here! The date is fast approaching and though I am a planner and organizer. I’m actually having to take a breathe and s-l-o-w myself down. I guess with 
the long awaited planning and being busy with everyday things of life (yes, even for us retirees) plus with the focus and the eye on the “Group”...I guess my day has finally come. Well as seasoned as I am, I’m sure this must be hitting some of the other cruisers,  if not it may. So I came across this interesting article that might help you in your last minute preparation.

Five Ways to Beat Pre-Trip Panic

Photo provided by

Thursday, March 21, 2013


One of the joys of cruising for me is the culinary experiences that cruising offers. As much as I enjoy cooking, trying new recipes, reading and learning about regional specialities.  I need to confess that I love being spoiled by NOT having to cook, clean and then being served gourmet dishes, fine wines & delightful cocktails with class & service. And this is just in the daily dining seating at dinner. The ship also offers buffet, spa food, pizzaria, outdoor grilled burgers, room service and speciality restaurants and cafe. But one of the “not so advertised” service that is definitely for Foodies, Gourmands, Epicureans and Gastronomes that Princess Cruises offers is the “Chef’s Table”.  
Roger and I have decided to once again try and sign-up for this opportunity. We participated in this evening event on the Island Princess when we went to the Panama Canal in 2010. It is very competitive to get to participate. It requires getting on board the ship and immediately pursuing sign-up. It’s no guaranteed as there is very limited seating opportunities. I was told by a representative of Princess that there was a maximum of 10 per table and there will be a maximum of 4 tables per a 14 day cruise. Which if you calculate it out, that means 40 people  will get to sign-up among the Diamond Princess’ passenger capacity of 2,670. In addition the cost per participant is $95 with wine and $80 without wine. 
I am not certain that I am able to get a table of 10. But will try and do so upon my arrival. If this is truly a passionate interest, please contact me and I will take your name based upon a first come first served list. I will then pursue to try and get a table of 10. If I find that there are more then 10 individuals, I will then coordinate with one or two cruisers to assist me in working on this opportunity. Below is the information that I found on the Princess Cruise Website.

Food & Dining: The Chef's Table
The Chef’s Table is designed as a special treat for dining enthusiasts, and offers the rare opportunity to be welcomed into the inner sanctum of the ship's galley to enjoy a full evening of memorable sights, tastes and conversation hosted by the executive chef.

While many passengers are able to enjoy galley tours during the quiet off-hours, the Chef's Table experience takes interested diners behind the scenes during the height of dinner preparation where they'll also enjoy Champagne and hors d'oeuvres, followed by a special multi-course tasting dinner paired with selected wines in the dining room.

The Chef's Table begins when the Maitre d' personally escorts the passengers to the galley where they can observe the bustle of dinner-hour preparations and meet the executive chef, plus enjoy Champagne with appetizers. The chef previews the details of the menu he created for that evening, and the group is welcomed to their special table in the dining room.

The multi-course menu is specially created by the chef, and is not offered anywhere else on the ship. The fare might include anything from a focus on regional cuisine to a showcase of indigenous ingredients from a recent port. Each course is accompanied by a detailed explanation of special features, preparation methods, and tasting suggestions. Specially selected wines complement the meal. During the dessert course, the chef rejoins the group at their private table to participate in a discussion about the evening's meal, answer questions, and share culinary secrets perfected during many years of experience at sea and on land.

Additionally, each couple at the Chef's Table will receive a personalized, autographed copy of Princess' best-selling cookbook, Courses, A Culinary Journey, which has sold more than 100,000 copies worldwide and is available on Passengers will also enjoy a complimentary photo taken at the private table with the chef.

The Chef's Table* experience can be reserved by up to 10 passengers per night, at an additional cost. Reservations are made onboard through the ship's DINE telephone line or in person at the dining reservations table set up on the first day of the cruise.

*Not available on Sun, Dawn and Sea Princess while in Australia.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Celebrating on the Diamond Princess?

Anyone celebrating an Anniversary? Birthday? Retirement? Or some other special day? If so I recommend that you note this in your My Princess, Cruise Personalizer. Princess is very good about recognizing your special occasion. 

I recall spending my birthday on the Island Princess in 2010 and they had my door decorated and such. There are also additional specialty items you can order on the gifts and services link at Princess to enhance your cabin stay.

To my knowledge I believe we have Rocky and Peggy celebrating their Anniversary on April 17th.
Is there anyone else among our cruisers celebrating?

Congratulations and we look forward to seeing you on board.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


There are plenty of opportunity to purchase a bottle of wine on the cruise. SAVE THE CORK! You can order your own personal bottle for your room to enjoy on your balcony. SAVE THE CORK! You can order a bottle of wine to share with friends at one of the bars or lounges on the ship SAVE THE CORKS, yes you heard it, SAVE THE CORKS and then there is of course ordering a bottle for your dinner on the cruise ship Again SAVE THE CORKS or perhaps a celebratory occasion on the ship, SAVE THE CORK. Or you and a fellow cruiser decide to try the ships' specialty restaurant. SAVE THE CORK! Either case our goal is to collect wine corks (and yes, SAVE THE CORKS) that we have consumed on this trip. Why you ask? 

Rocky Alby who is one of our 32 day cruiser, has contacted me and stated that he thought this would be a fun raffle give away for the last day of the cruise. He has purchased a Wine Cork Trivet Kit that he would like to donate as a raffle gift. The goal is to collect 47 wine corks by members of our group during this cruise trip. Rocky would like for you to hang onto your wine cork and when you see him he would like to have you sign your cork. If we are able to collect some 47 wine corks. Rocky will assemble the trivet and on the last night of the cruise at our dinner we will draw the lucky cruiser in our group and Rocky will mail this trivet directly to the winner. Sounds like fun to me, thanks Rocky for this fun goal! Kampai (a Japanese toast) everyone!!!! 

Photo provided by
Also check out this fun read blog article

Monday, March 18, 2013

Gratuity & Tipping

As varied as language, customs, traditions and values are with each country. Note that on this cruise we will be visiting some 6 different countries. Gratuity and Tipping customs vary, including on our ship world aboard the Diamond Princess. Potential tipping circumstances that  you may come across besides the ship staff who serve you are: taxi drivers, shuttle drivers and assistance, airport and hotel porters for baggage, waiters/waitress at restaurants, food service servers, hotel concierge, shore excursion guides & drivers, room service attendants and restrooms attendants to name a few. Below are information and links for you to explore and note on how to properly tip for receiving services rendered but to also learn not to insult other ethnic customs while in port. Hope this helps to prepare you in our upcoming journey.

Princess Cruises “Gratuity & Tipping”
During your cruise on the Diamond Princess, you will meet a number of crew staff who provide you with service. To simplify the tipping process for our passengers, a discretionary gratuity of $12 per person for mini-suites and suites, and $11.50 per passenger in all other staterooms per day (including children) will be automatically added to your shipboard account on a daily basis. This gratuity will be shared amongst those staff who help provide and support your cruise experience, including all waitstaff, stateroom stewards, buffet stewards, and housekeeping staff across the fleet. For your convenience, this gratuity can be pre-paid before you sail by calling 1-800 PRINCESS and referencing Special Services item number 0597.

A 15% gratuity is added to bar charges and dining room wine accounts. This is shared amongst the beverage staff and their support staff. We know you will find these services onboard exemplary.
Casino dealers and Lotus Spa® personnel do not share in these gratuities, as not all passengers utilize these services.

Budget Travel,9030/

Tipping In Asia

Tips for Tipping Abroad

Tipping Etiquette: Guide for Travelers

Photo provided by Flickr.ErikSiang

Sunday, March 17, 2013

What's Your Favorite Travel Quote?

travel |ˈtravəl|
verb ( travels, traveling , traveled ; also chiefly Brit. travels, travelling, travelled )
[ no obj. ] make a journey, typically of some length or abroad • [ with obj. ] journey along (a road) or through (a region) • informal (esp. of a vehicle) move quickly. • (travels) journeys, esp. long or exotic ones: perhaps you'll write a book about your travels.  ORIGIN Middle English: variant of travail and originally in the same sense.


“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.”  - Tim Cahill 
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain  
“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop” - Confucius
“The journey not the arrival matters.” - T.S. Eliot 
“You don’t choose the day you enter the world and you don’t chose the day you leave. It’s what you do in between that makes all the difference.” - Anita Septimus
“From the floor of the ocean, the waves of the tide, a vacation awaits you far & wide”
                                                                                                  - Fortune Cookie
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.”  - Jawaharal Nehru

“Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.” - Seneca  

“The great difference between voyages rests not with the ships, but with the people you meet on them.”  
                                                                                                                                     - Amelia E. Barr

“There are good ships and wood ships,  ships that sail the sea, but the best ships are friendships, may they always be!” 
                                                                                                                                                                     - Irish Proverb

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” -Lao Tzu  

“When preparing to travel, layout all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money”
                                                                                                                                                                            - Susan Heller

" The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page." -St. Augustine

" I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list"
                                                                 - Susan Sontag

When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable.” -Clifton Fadiman

“Paradise isn’t where you are, but who you’re with!”  -Unknown

" is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living"
                                                                                                                                                     - Miriam Beard

“We may not have it all together...But together we have it all! “
                                                                                - Coots & Biddy’s Greeting Card

"Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it"
                                                                                                                             -Greg Anderson

“It is the friends we meet along life’s path who help us appreciate the journey”                             
                                                                                                - Unknown

What’s your favorite travel quote?