Sunday, February 17, 2013


Hi, gang!  We are Bob Di Nunzio and Michele Lovenduski and will be joining you on what we hope will be a memorable journey filled with lots of laughter, great food (we love to eat), and a chance to experience a once-in-a-lifetime adventure with good friends.
Bob and I have been a couple for the past three years.  We met while I was taking a walk on Balboa Island.  To say our story is unusual is an understatement. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough time to share it right now, but meet us before dinner for drinks and we’ll regale you with all the details.  You won’t be disappointed.
Bob is a Real Estate Broker (semi-retired) with over 50 years in the business (and yes, he did start at 18 years of age.)  Surprise, his specialty area is Balboa Island. 
I worked for the City for nearly 25 years, splitting my years between Community Services and Public Works. I’m probably best known among my City colleagues for putting on “shows” at the City and making everybody sing…all the time! Once I retired I dove into Hollywood with both feet and began acting in television commercials.  I’ve even dragged Bob into the business.  He now has three commercials under his belt.
I met Diana and Roger while working for the City of Irvine in the Community Services Department.  When I think back to those days beginning in the mid 80’s I am blown away by the great times and truly ground breaking achievements we were responsible for.  
I knew Roger (swordmeister) and his lovely wife, Diana, were into travel, but I didn’t get “on board” until the Mediterranean cruise, where I also met our fabulous travel agent, Alex.  Marsha Burgess and I were roommates and we had a terrific time.  So when I got the email from Diana about the next big adventure to Asia, I was in…even though it was scheduled for three years out.
Bob and I made the decision to join the tour.  With such a great group of traveling companions, the trip can only be an awesome experience.  See you all in the cocktail lounge onboard the ship!  
P.S.  Good idea to start warming up those vocal chords in case we have to sing a few songs!

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