Saturday, February 9, 2013


Is it Bon Voyage time yet?
Xin Chao, my name is Kelly Feldman and Wendy Brown is my roomie for this amazing Asian adventure.  It seems like this trip has been years in the making...oh wait it has been! 
I requested the time off of work over 3 year ago when Di first started planning this cruise. After the 2008 Mediterranean Cruise with the Davis Clan, I was hooked and knew I would never miss another one of their famous adventures.  I had heard about them for years but after experiencing it, travel as I knew it had forever been changed! 

You ask, how was I lucky enough to get in with the Davis Clan. Well I was kind of adopted in 1994. Diana hired me as her full time Program Coordinator and ever since that first day Di has not only been my boss but my friend and mentor. We have been through a lot of life together and I am blessed to have had her by side through the laughter and the tears.  I have known Di for almost 20 years and although she has been retired for 7 years plus, we still remain very close. We not only have fun but we have a bond that is very special and unique; when you spend as many years together as we have it truly is an incredible relationship.   

Buckle up and get ready a Davis Clan Cruise is nothing like you have ever experienced.  Let me share with you that this is an incredible opportunity and you are gonna love it! My favorite part about traveling with the Davis Clan besides always being able to find someone to play rummy with is that everyone is very easy going and friendly.   Be warned it is addictive and your stomach will hurt long after from all the laughter. You will make lifelong friends that you swore you had known forever and wonder how you ever managed without them before.  

So, if you are new to the group welcome and I look forward to meeting you and to those returning, I look forward to our reunion. I am counting down our departure day and looking forward to embarkation on the Diamond Princess, see you on board in the casino or at a table playing cards!!!!

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