Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Best Way to Carry Money Overseas

Some of you cruisers have begun to inquire about foreign exchange, use of credit card and ATM’s. Though I have heard that some Southeast Asian countries will accept US dollars such as Vietnam. I would not count on this as a for certain option. Plan on either getting some cash ahead of time at your local bank. Keeping in mind of course, that this could easily take a week or more. So please plan ahead. 

I’ve been finding out that the best exchange rate is by using an ATM, but understand that this option has a service charge so think about the amount you will need to make it worth your while. And its very important to get a PIN number in advance for usage as using an ATM in another country is not like the USA. The article I found below may be more specific in detail to address your specific needs or questions.

Also to my surprise, credit card usage is not widely accepted in the Asian countries like in Europe. Small vendors for shopping and eatery prefer to deal with CASH and so exchanging to the local currency would be your best bet. Of course the hotels we will be staying at will easily accept your credit card for services. And on the Diamond Princess you will need a Credit Card for all your purchases and expenses as upon check-in you will be required to provide a credit card for the cashless purchases onboard with the Cruise Card. I also found out that the Diamond Princess also has an ATM machine for foreign exchange. But AGAIN plan on a service charge for this service.  
Of course, on our flight to and fro you will need a credit card. As most airlines have stop using cash and only deal with credit card transaction for bar drinks, headphones etc.. Be sure to check on line with your specific airline to see what their procedure requires.

Lastly, think about taking extra credit cards. There has been incidents where you might put in your credit card in an ATM machine and for one reason or another. It does not return and holds your card due to circumstances. Yes, this actually happened to someone in our group in Europe. So be prepared with a couple of backups.

I will continue to keep my eyes open and post information regarding this issue. But in the meantime, these articles may assist you in getting prepared for what you will need to do to address your specific monetary needs. Happy Countdown!

IndependentTraveler - Best Way to Carry Money Overseas

Get the Best Exchange Rate

About.com - How to carry Money in Asia

Travel Money

Photo provided by Flickr.borman818

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