Saturday, April 6, 2013


Congratulations to Michael Murphy for winning our Door Label Decoration Package at our Cruise Orientation Luncheon. Michael, you and your wife Jo Mary can pretty much cross off this task, with the exception that you have to remember to bring your door label with you on the cruise. Heh, Heh...

For the rest of us, we still have a couple of things to prepare for and so I thought I would give you a check list of what you can do for this group activity project if you wanted to participate. Following are my suggestions and recommendations, if you care to join us:

  1. Step One, gotta remember to bring the door label. So add it to your list! 
  2. Consider placing your door label between something flat so it won’t bend. The label is 8”x14”. 
  3. IMPORTANT - KEEP YOUR DOOR LABEL BACKING SHEET. The Door Label is a REMOVABLE label and so on your last day of the cruise. You can peel your label off your cabin door and re-stick it to the backing that you kept and did not toss away in the trash. This will allow you to be able to re-pack your door label for your trip home.
  4. Since the label already has a design on it. You can opt to make it simple and just add a post-it note pad and a elastic/string cord for the pen. You’re done! (Hint, this however this will not be your best avenue to winning the prize!) 
  5. Be sure to allow enough length on your pen cord so that your guest can easily write. You can also attach/stick velcro on your pen. But be prepared to bring extra velcro and pens as I have had to replace my pen in the past due to cruisers actually stealing my pen. Which is why I go for the elastic cord!
  6. FOR YOUR INFO, Recommended pen to attach is a "Sharpie". This way at the angle that your guest will be writing your note on the post-it note will allow the ink to flow. Regular pens do not work consistently.  
  7. You can personalize your label by adding a photo of you and your roomie, stick a theme decorative embellishment like those used for scrapbooking or simply add a sticker. You can also add your favorite travel quote and use a label maker to print it or simply type it on your computer. And what new creative idea will there be this cruise??? 

For those wanting to participate in the Door Label Decoration Contest please have your 
label decorated up on your door by April 20th (Ports of Call Singapore). We will then walk around to each of your cabin on April 21st (Sea Day) and announce the winner at Dinner that night. Good Luck!

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