Monday, April 1, 2013

Food Safety: How to Avoid Getting Sick While Traveling

You arrive in Bangkok and you decide that your first adventure after a great relaxing sleep is to fill your hunger both for adventure and your tummy. So off you go to be the next Tony Bourdain or Andrew Zimmern of The Travel Channel.  Your destination is the Floating Market. You notice a number of small stalls and boats selling local fruits, produce treats, snacks and oh does that noodle dish look so yummy. And what about that grilled BBQ “whatyoumacallit” on a stick? My gosh it’s cheap, so of course you immediately want to buy-try-savor, right?... BUT WAIT.....Salmonellosis, E.coli, Norwalk virus, intestinal distress, traveler’s tummy, Montezuma’s Revenge, Traveler’s Trot,  the Toltec Two-Step, Delhi Belly, The Runs, TD (Traveler’s Diarrhea) are you listening here! IS ANYONE LISTENING??????

As a Smart Traveler you have got to be wise in your choices. It’s not to say that these local fruits, treats and snacks are all gonna make you sick! But there’s no guarantee that it won’t either. The reaction by one visitor may not affect the same way as in another. Below are some articles I came across that will hopefully assist you in guiding
your decisions to try various street food, colorful drinks and even safety on eating a local fruit. 

You be your best advocate! Princess Cruises may sponsor the shore excursions but understand that they use local guides and operators. So the guides may not think about reminding you about food safety and how to potentially avoid getting sick. 

An added note the photographer had was this notation under his photo which was taken in Bangkok Thailand...a good note to remember: " ...street food looks tempting, 30 degrees Centigrade being on the street for hours at night makes this a risky adventure, when it is healthy, its really tasty, when it isn't healthy, it's time for the emergency room"
Food Safety: How to Avoid Getting Sick While Traveling

Photo provide by Flickr.drbutoni

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