Thursday, April 4, 2013


Hate to offer this unfortunate view of the glorious exotic destinations that we will be embarking upon during this trip. But I know offering this IMPORTANT BLOG may very well make a difference in alleviating an awful circumstance. 

Our friend Russell ran into a scam in Barcelona on our Med Cruise. In fact he was a veteran visitor to Spain and yet this exact scam, I shared in our Med Cruise blog is what had happened to him. And yes, he of course didn’t read my article! So, PLEASE don’t let this happen to you and open these links and start to read some of the popular scams that go beyond pickpocketing. Awareness and knowledge is the first barrier to protecting yourself and to having a fabulous getaway. 

8 Popular Scams in Southeast Asia

Scams & Con Men in Bangkok

Scams in Vietnam

Avoiding Common Tourist Scams in China

Buyer Beware 10 Common Travel Scams

State Department Travel Tips

Photo provided by Flickr.photogism

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