Monday, April 8, 2013


OK, unless you’re in a coma, you’ve got to realize that the big cruise departure date is fast approaching.  I don’t know about you, but I’m getting sweaty palms, feeling nervous, have 'bouts of diarrhea, can’t sleep, have to pee all the time, short-term memory loss, light headedness, upset stomach, can’t drink, and a general sense of agitation.  WTF!!!  

Whoa, hold on, it’s not the upcoming cruise, I feel this way all the time.......must be this old age thing that everyone keeps telling me about.  Wait, did someone already tell me about this??.......and, I really do enjoy meeting all you new folks again and again and again!!

On a serious note, embarkation is approaching fast and both Diana and I are becoming more excited day-by-day.  Be sure to read Diana’s blogs as there is a lot of useful information contained in these tomes.

I still have a few clothing items to purchase before we leave on April 10th. for some extra time in Bangkok.  Don’t forget to pack your white polo shirt.......we’ll be doing a group photo once we’re on board the cruise shirt---no photo!!  And, don’t forget to bring your door label!!  As in past cruises, there will be incredible prizes given away for the “best” door label as determined by a highly regarded door label decorating judging committee.  You absolutely don’t want to miss out on this event!!

Bon Voyage,

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