Sunday, April 7, 2013


Just wanted to let the group know that we now have three people waiting to come aboard. They are currently on the Wait List for our cruise. Both the 16 day and the 32 day cruises are booked up to full capacity! Yes luckily we booked early! Can you believe it, some near 3,000 cruisers going on this cruise...and there is still more wanting to come on board.
STELLA is wait listed for the 16 day cruise. She originally signed up for the 32 day cruise segment but decided it was too long and her husband Paul decided not to join her. So STELLA opt’d to try and change and decided to go for the 16 day cruise segment option. She originally started out somewhere near 1,000 on the wait list , but has patiently made it to now to 20 from an update via fellow cruiser JoMary. Unlike her sister, Diana who plans way ahead, she loves the thrill to “wing-it” and will wait to the end and will let destiny make it’s fate. Good Luck STELLA!

New to our cruise group is DALE & JAN BERRY, Dale is a friend and co-worker from Coast
Community College District with Roger. We recently had a birthday luncheon when Dale inquired again about this cruise and well, the rest was held in the hands of ALEX. Our Magical Travel Agent that she is! ALEX has been working hard and getting both DALE and JAN ready to go, passport - check, China Visa - check, meeting - check, signature - check!  Alex is the best! She was able to initially get DALE & JAN the #2 wait list spot for the 32 day cruise and then with her magic they got #1.....
our fingers are crossed and I do believe, I do believe, Miracles do happen, I do believe, I do believe...come on embarkation date approved for the Berry party?????

Our Current Updated Roster for our 2013 Davis Asia to Alaska Cruise stands as:

32 Day Cruise Bangkok to Anchorage
Roger and Diana Davis
Rocky and Peggy Alby
John and Lucy Working
Mike Thompson and Cristin George
Dale & Jan Berry (Pending Wait List)

16 Day Cruise Bangkok to Beijing
Alex Kuncio and Ted Rodriguez
Wendy Brown and Kelly Feldman
Angie Burgh and Lien Burgh
JoMary and Michael Murphy
Scott and Liddy Paulsen
Bob DiNunzio and Michele Louvenduski
Marsha Burgess and Patty Cruz
Stella Hacker (Pending Wait List) 

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