Monday, April 8, 2013

DIANA is FINALLY Shutting Down or Shutting Up??? ... It's BON VOYAGE TIME!

Can you believe it? The day is finally here...our exotic bucket list adventure began over two years ago, back in March 2011 when the Vaughn’s & Davis’ initiated this journey by booking our deposit for our 32 Day Asia to Alaska Cruise. Wow! I’m stunned, its been two years already! 

Thank you so much for joining us! It’s so exciting to know that we will be visiting some 6 different countries, 14 different ports of call, relaxing and enjoying 18 fabulous sea days getting spoiled by the Diamond Princess (oh yeah, bring it on!) and spending it with some 20 something cruiser friends (the closest 20 something I can get at my age, I’ll take it!). 

We also began our journey by kicking off at a Cruise Orientation Luncheon which got our adrenaline pumping with excitement and anticipation. We, (Alex, from Innovative Travel Planner, Roger and I) hopefully made the Orientation worthwhile and fun by an informative opportunity to meet one another, share with you some fun and provided raffle giveaways for simply being there. Our Capital Seafood’s luncheon was spotlighted to provide you with a small peek to the wonderful world of gastronomical adventures that we will hopefully be able to experience on this trip, from Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, China, South Korea to Japan.

In conclusion my blogging days for this travel trip has now finally come to a close. But not with standing some 113 posted articles to hopefully connect and assist some of you with helpful tips and easy reference to cruising and travel related information. Or quite honestly remind you do get it done on your ‘To Do List’. Also Roger and I hope that you have gotten a chance to take advantage of our cruise gift to you by organizing your cruise documents which you all have now. And want to be sure to remind you to bring your cruise shirt for our to be arranged group photo on the ship, your door label and decor for our door contest and finally for those wanting to play or learn our sea day ‘progressive rummy game‘ ...bring your scoresheet and your mojo.

So let me finally shut up and shut down. The fun begins now and allow us to officially “WELCOME YOU ABOARD” , it’s for REAL!!!!... BON VOYAGE TIME EVERYONE! 
We will see you on deck, Yippee ---!!!  


Hi Cruisers,     

Unfortunately, Ted and Alex are unable to join you all on this fascinating trip through Asia. Alex has been plagued lately with a series of medical issues that she keeps overcoming but they seem to keep coming! We've waited as late as we can to see if her health issues get better, but at this time, I'm afraid that we have to face the reality that it's not going to happen.  She recently had emergency oral surgery to remove a cracked molar and a bone graft done in preparation for an implant. Her Periodontist has advised her against traveling to a third world country at a time when she might need to seek dental care. As if that wasn't enough, she needs to have another cancerous skin mole removed from her forearm which has been delayed until her mouth heals. When it rains, it pours sometimes.

Everything is set in place for your trip and you will be well taken care of by both Trails of Indochina and Princess Cruises. From the moment you come out of Customs in Bangkok, there will be a Trails of Indochina representative with a sign board stating INNOVATIVE TRAVEL and your name. Those of you in a group of 6, arriving on Philippine Airlines and Korean Airlines, the sign board will have INNOVATIVE TRAVEL and one lead name from the group. Korean Airlines group will have LOVENDUSKI as the lead name and the Philippine Airlines group will have ALBY as the lead name. From there, you will be taken to the beautiful Shangri-La Hotel where you will spend 2 nights.  Your first day of touring starts the morning of April 16th.

On April 17th, you will have a 1/2 day tour and then be taken to the ship by Trails of Indochina. Those of you getting off the cruise in Beijing, will be picked up by a Trails of Indochina representative and taken to the Crowne Plaza Hotel where you will spend 2 nights. The tour operators will be there to help you with anything that you may need.  You will enjoy 2 days of touring in Beijing including the Great Wall of China. Please take plenty of pictures for us!!

On May 5, you will be transferred to the Beijing airport and you'll be on your way home…catching up with the day you lost flying West.

We wish you all a safe and wondrous adventure through so many fascinating cultures.

We will be thinking of you everyday as you embark on a new port.  We will really miss being there with you.

Bon Voyage!

Ted & Alex
Innovative Travel


OK, unless you’re in a coma, you’ve got to realize that the big cruise departure date is fast approaching.  I don’t know about you, but I’m getting sweaty palms, feeling nervous, have 'bouts of diarrhea, can’t sleep, have to pee all the time, short-term memory loss, light headedness, upset stomach, can’t drink, and a general sense of agitation.  WTF!!!  

Whoa, hold on, it’s not the upcoming cruise, I feel this way all the time.......must be this old age thing that everyone keeps telling me about.  Wait, did someone already tell me about this??.......and, I really do enjoy meeting all you new folks again and again and again!!

On a serious note, embarkation is approaching fast and both Diana and I are becoming more excited day-by-day.  Be sure to read Diana’s blogs as there is a lot of useful information contained in these tomes.

I still have a few clothing items to purchase before we leave on April 10th. for some extra time in Bangkok.  Don’t forget to pack your white polo shirt.......we’ll be doing a group photo once we’re on board the cruise shirt---no photo!!  And, don’t forget to bring your door label!!  As in past cruises, there will be incredible prizes given away for the “best” door label as determined by a highly regarded door label decorating judging committee.  You absolutely don’t want to miss out on this event!!

Bon Voyage,

Sunday, April 7, 2013


What a nice surprise...we currently have two tables in the works for the Chef Table
for our group. My thanks to Jo Mary for taking the lead to assist me in trying to get reservations for our second table. And I will be the lead to do the same for our table.

Jo Mary and I will be racing to get on board to make the reservation as soon as we embark on the ship. Once we get our reservations we will call you and let you know our outcome. The maitre ‘d will be sending out personal invitation that you will be receiving in your stateroom once we are confirmed. Be aware that with wine the cost will be $95 dollars and without wine is $80 per person. This fee will be charged to your stateroom account.

Here is the link to the article I initially posted regarding the Chef’s Table:

Following are the interest sign ups I have received....
  1. Diana Davis (Lead)     
  2. Roger Davis
  3. Scott Paulsen
  4. Liddy Paulsen
  5. Bob Di Nunzio
  6. Michele Louvenduski
  7. Rocky Alby
  8. Peggy Alby
  9. John Working
  10. Lucy Working
  1. Jo Mary Murphy (Lead)
  2. Michael Murphy
  3. Angie Burgh
  4. Lien Burgh
  5. Cristin George
  6. Mike Thompson
  7. Dale Berry (Wait List)
  8. Jan Berry (Wait List)
  9. Stella Hacker (Wait List)



Just wanted to let the group know that we now have three people waiting to come aboard. They are currently on the Wait List for our cruise. Both the 16 day and the 32 day cruises are booked up to full capacity! Yes luckily we booked early! Can you believe it, some near 3,000 cruisers going on this cruise...and there is still more wanting to come on board.
STELLA is wait listed for the 16 day cruise. She originally signed up for the 32 day cruise segment but decided it was too long and her husband Paul decided not to join her. So STELLA opt’d to try and change and decided to go for the 16 day cruise segment option. She originally started out somewhere near 1,000 on the wait list , but has patiently made it to now to 20 from an update via fellow cruiser JoMary. Unlike her sister, Diana who plans way ahead, she loves the thrill to “wing-it” and will wait to the end and will let destiny make it’s fate. Good Luck STELLA!

New to our cruise group is DALE & JAN BERRY, Dale is a friend and co-worker from Coast
Community College District with Roger. We recently had a birthday luncheon when Dale inquired again about this cruise and well, the rest was held in the hands of ALEX. Our Magical Travel Agent that she is! ALEX has been working hard and getting both DALE and JAN ready to go, passport - check, China Visa - check, meeting - check, signature - check!  Alex is the best! She was able to initially get DALE & JAN the #2 wait list spot for the 32 day cruise and then with her magic they got #1.....
our fingers are crossed and I do believe, I do believe, Miracles do happen, I do believe, I do believe...come on embarkation date approved for the Berry party?????

Our Current Updated Roster for our 2013 Davis Asia to Alaska Cruise stands as:

32 Day Cruise Bangkok to Anchorage
Roger and Diana Davis
Rocky and Peggy Alby
John and Lucy Working
Mike Thompson and Cristin George
Dale & Jan Berry (Pending Wait List)

16 Day Cruise Bangkok to Beijing
Alex Kuncio and Ted Rodriguez
Wendy Brown and Kelly Feldman
Angie Burgh and Lien Burgh
JoMary and Michael Murphy
Scott and Liddy Paulsen
Bob DiNunzio and Michele Louvenduski
Marsha Burgess and Patty Cruz
Stella Hacker (Pending Wait List) 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

DON'T FORGET... Your Cruise Polo Shirt


A group photo will be arranged once we able to meet with the Ship's Photographer. 
We will call you in your stateroom with a date, time and location once this is established. 
Diana & Roger


Congratulations to Michael Murphy for winning our Door Label Decoration Package at our Cruise Orientation Luncheon. Michael, you and your wife Jo Mary can pretty much cross off this task, with the exception that you have to remember to bring your door label with you on the cruise. Heh, Heh...

For the rest of us, we still have a couple of things to prepare for and so I thought I would give you a check list of what you can do for this group activity project if you wanted to participate. Following are my suggestions and recommendations, if you care to join us:

  1. Step One, gotta remember to bring the door label. So add it to your list! 
  2. Consider placing your door label between something flat so it won’t bend. The label is 8”x14”. 
  3. IMPORTANT - KEEP YOUR DOOR LABEL BACKING SHEET. The Door Label is a REMOVABLE label and so on your last day of the cruise. You can peel your label off your cabin door and re-stick it to the backing that you kept and did not toss away in the trash. This will allow you to be able to re-pack your door label for your trip home.
  4. Since the label already has a design on it. You can opt to make it simple and just add a post-it note pad and a elastic/string cord for the pen. You’re done! (Hint, this however this will not be your best avenue to winning the prize!) 
  5. Be sure to allow enough length on your pen cord so that your guest can easily write. You can also attach/stick velcro on your pen. But be prepared to bring extra velcro and pens as I have had to replace my pen in the past due to cruisers actually stealing my pen. Which is why I go for the elastic cord!
  6. FOR YOUR INFO, Recommended pen to attach is a "Sharpie". This way at the angle that your guest will be writing your note on the post-it note will allow the ink to flow. Regular pens do not work consistently.  
  7. You can personalize your label by adding a photo of you and your roomie, stick a theme decorative embellishment like those used for scrapbooking or simply add a sticker. You can also add your favorite travel quote and use a label maker to print it or simply type it on your computer. And what new creative idea will there be this cruise??? 

For those wanting to participate in the Door Label Decoration Contest please have your 
label decorated up on your door by April 20th (Ports of Call Singapore). We will then walk around to each of your cabin on April 21st (Sea Day) and announce the winner at Dinner that night. Good Luck!


Anyone who hangs out with Roger or Diana regularly, knows that they love playing 'Progressive Rummy' specifically. Its a card game that is actually quite easy to learn and play. And the great thing about it is that you can actually drink, eat and play all at the same time! These things not necessarily in priority order, seem to be top choices for things to do with the Davis'. So if you are incline to give it a try and join in. There will be a number of our guests who have played so ask them to teach you. Don't be shy to inquire. So who are they,  you ask?...well... Kelly, Rocky, Peggy and Roger to name but just a few... also if you find that you really like the game and you run out of scoresheets. Ask Kelly, Rocky or me, Diana and we will have extras for you. 

During this trip we will be having a bit of fun competition for those wanting to play this card game. NO, of course it's optional. YES, it includes winners, prizes and verification of scores of course. You really thought we would trust you? Not when it comes to cards!...oh so now you want to play huh? Well join in, hang on to those scoresheets as we will be keeping track to determine who to award the prize. We will have two prizes for each cruise segment, 16 day cruise & 32 day cruise for the top winning score.

More specific details for the rules of the game can be found in your "Thank You Gift" with the deck of cards and scoresheets. It’s really not all that me, it's a lot easier to join in and pick it up from actually playing the game...did I mention, it's not hard and a really a fun thing to do on our Sea Days ...give it a try and join us!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Keep Your Stuff Safe When You Fly

Our cruise journey begins with a very long flight. This means that your step in your journey begins with at least a 10 plus hour flight as most of us will be having a layover. For Roger and I,  it means a 13 plus hour flight to Seoul South Korea and then our final layover flight  to Bangkok. Yes, I’m sure we will be tired and with all the excitement our heads will have to stay focus and clear so that our guard and caution tactics are in full operation. I brought to you warnings about RFID for your credit cards and for some this maybe important on new passports & driver’s licenses. But I also wanted to share this article about keep your stuff safe while you are flying. Yes, even with your carry-on by your side...your organization and caution is required! Very helpful tips

Seven Ways to Keep Your Stuff Safe When You Fly
Photo provided by Flickr.LeoReynolds

Helpful Tips for Your Flight Over to Meet the Ship!

Flying Time is a must on this particular trip. Some are excited and others not so.
The preparation and planning of this portion of our journey could help in making the
actual time and even the recovery portion of the flight a lot easier. So browse through these 7 helpful links with tons of helpful ideas and tips to make flying time a whole lot better for you.

5 Foods to Avoid Before Flying

Traveler’s Tummy

Sleeping on Planes

Five Things You Shouldn’t Wear on the Plane

Surviving the Middle Seat

Fighting Airplane Cold

Jet Lag

Photo provided by Flickr.TheAndy