Friday, March 29, 2013

SOUTH KOREA & JAPAN - Table Manners & Etiquette

Our final two countries that we will be sailing to before we head to Anchorage Alaska are South Korea and Japan. Busan will be our port of call in South Korea and if you checked out your itinerary and sailing the 32 Day Cruise we stop twice! Our first stop will be shorter time frame then our second by the way.  Then onto Japan, Nagasaki/ Hiroshima, Osaka/Kyoto (32 Day cruisers)  and Yokohama/Tokyo (32 day Cruisers)....
hope these links have helped you to understand 
a little more of each of the Asian cultures we will 
be visiting.

South Korea - International Dining Etiquette

The Do’s & Don’t, Dining Etiquette & Table Manners in South Korea

Korean Table Etiquette

Japanese Table Etiquette Japan Travel

Japanese Table Manners

Photos provided by  and chef                   

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