Wednesday, March 27, 2013

S.T.E.P. - Smart Traveler Enrollment Program

Jo Mary has shared this program with me. I checked it out and you can easily register and sign up as an added preparation and planning to being a Smart and Safety Cautious Traveler. This program once you enroll offers latest travel updates and information about every country where you may visit. As well as provides assistance in case of natural disasters or emergencies to U.S. Citizens. In addition when you register with this program, the travel and contact information you enter into the U.S. Department of State, Smart Traveler Enrollment Program will be able to assist you better in such emergency incident as loosing your passport or if it were to be stolen during your trip.

The information you provide will also make it easier for consular officers in U.S. Embassies and Consulates around the world to contact you and your loved ones in case of an emergency - this would also includes situations where YOUR family or friends in the U.S. are having problems trying to contact you with important news.

So ‘Thanks Jo Mary’ for highlighting this point and all should at least check it out and consider to enroll. Though daily life in OUR world is opening up to global viewpoints, unfortunately, many of the ‘Third World Nations’ are still surprisingly working with their own set of standard, polices and procedures. So every travel tool we can use, certainly can't hurt

Here is the link to get you started ....

Photo provided by

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