Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tips for Better Travel Photos

So who isn’t going to bring a camera on our trip? Not many I’m sure...but unlike Rocky, John and Stella...my camera is a simple point and shoot camera. Not into adjustments and too lazy to carry a bulky camera. Where do I put it if I wanted to shop and look, right?

I came across this article on Independent Traveler that I thought for cruisers like me might want a quick read to make potential better improvements with your travel photos. It may not all be retained, but some simple improvements may make such a difference at the end result. So check it out.

Also if you missed it,  be sure to check out John's blog article on "Traveling with a Camera", posted February 22, 2013. Use the Home page, right side bar under Blog Article Archive.

19 Tips for Better Travel Photos


Photo Karen, Mexican Riviera Group Cruise 2009

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