Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Ahoy Mates! 

I am Marsha Burgess and I will be joining you on the Asia cruise. This will be my second venture travelling with the Roger and Diana cavalcade and I am truly looking forward to it. I never imagined I would have the opportunity to see Vietnam, Hong Kong, and China. It seems so very exotic and indulgent.

I worked for the City of Irvine for nearly twenty five years and that is where I met Diana and Roger. Diana and I, along with a few others on this trip, worked together in the Community Services department. Roger, on the other hand, was in purchasing. Shortly after I joined the City staff, he sent me a rather scathing email suggesting that the financial transaction I was trying to process was a “gross misuse of public funds”. I really had no idea what I was doing and thought he was being rather harsh, really overstating the case. Nevertheless, I paid more attention after that and never had to appear in court or anything close. Well almost… when I worked at the Great Park I had to give a deposition to Chuck Knuckles (no kidding, that was his name) the D.A., but that is a story for the cocktail hour aboard ship, when we’re way far out at sea.

Diana was always nice to me, so I like her much more.

My roommate this trip will be Pat Cruz who’s is escaping Tennessee for a couple of months to join the tour group. I’ve known Patty since the first day I started working at the City and we have travelled together before so I think we’ll be good bunkies. Pat likes to strategize and prepare, and I like to wing it. Consequently, she has done all the planning for our trip and I have taken advantage of her willing nature. It works for us.

So, I will be leaving behind my darling granddaughters Charlotte and Clare, and my equally adorable dog, Allie, and my new job, for 18+ days of adventure. I look forward to seeing my old friends and meeting new ones.

Best to all,

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