Thursday, February 28, 2013


The first time I met Diana and Roger was when they walked into my office, clipboard in hand, to interview me as their potential travel agent. They had been referred by Wendy Brown, to whom I will be forever thankful.  The rest, as they say, is history.  After a grueling 6 hours of questioning....I was in like Flint!  I never saw Roger take so many notes! Over thirty years of experience: check;  teacher at Coastline Community College in the Travel & Tourism Department: check; Certified Travel Consultant (graduate level program for travel agents): check;  traveled to almost 90 countries (at the time...I'm up to 108 today): check;  owned and managed my own agency: check;  personally recommended by someone they knew: check;  willing to always research the best deals: check; husband was a chef: check.......whew!  Grueling I tell you....grueling. 

I'm exaggerating of course....but those of you that know Diana and Roger, know it ain't far from the truth.  They were very thorough in their questioning of my experience.  That was back in 2003!  Over the years we have shared so many amazing adventures, not only traveling, but our favorite pastime...eating great food.  I'm sure most of you have experienced Diana's cooking.  She puts as much love and effort into her cooking as she does everything else.  Not to leave Roger out....he makes a darn good martini!  Shaken...not stirred!

The best part of knowing Diana and Roger is the laughter that comes with getting together with them.  You know it will always be an evening filled with more laughter than you know what to do with.  On our 14 night cruise through Europe in 2008, we had more fun than we knew what to do with.  We ended the cruise in the incredible city of Venice, which is where we took this picture Hemingway's favorite hangout.....Harry's Bar.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that when Diana and Roger come up with a travel trip, you can be sure that it's been researched and thought out and comes with a guarantee of having the time of your life.  As much as I like to eat....many times I don't even finish my meal because of all the laughter that comes with sharing a meal together.

Ted and I are looking forward to this trip on several levels...great itinerary, great cruise line, great group of people.  We will see you all on board the Diamond Princess in April 2013.
Warmest regards,
Ted & Alex (T & A for short)

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