Thursday, February 28, 2013


I'm Angie and I'll be joining the Diana and Roger 2013 Asia Cruise with my mom, Lien.  I, too, am a City of Irvine employee and have worked forthe city for over 13 years.  I had the pleasure of working with Jan Noce(a mutual friend between the Davis'), who was the recycling guru at Irvine, and she told me about the wonderful cruises that Diana has organized.  When Jan retired in 2010 I had the pleasure of meeting Diana and Roger at Jan's retirement party. I gave Diana my contact info and asked her to include me when she organized another cruise. you all know back in early 2011, Diana sent out information about the 2013 Asia Cruise.  When I saw the interesting countries we would be visiting I could not resist.  I told my mom about it and she felt the same, so we decided to go on the cruise.  Needless to say, I thought 2013 was so far off in the distance that it would take forever to get here, but lo and behold here we are just less than a couple of months to go.  Now that we've finalized all our documents with Alex, we are really excited about the cruise because this is our first one!  Yes, we are rookies when it comes to cruising, so we are looking forward to meeting our fellow cruisers and picking up travel tips from you all.


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