Friday, March 1, 2013


With Gratitude to My Friends & Fellow Cruisers....

Allow me to open, by extending my personal appreciation to each of you who willingly and even those who were hesitant to write your Cruise Blog Article, “Thank You So Much!!”  Each article has its own style and individual finesse which made reading the articles incredibly fun. It was truly enjoyable and an excellent way to introduce each other particularly when we are so separated by distance. Most recently, ROCKY and PEGGY shared with me that they took each of the photos from the Cruise Connection articles and identified who was who on a handy reference chart so they could get to know everyone. Yes, another great idea to get acquainted with our upcoming Cruise Family. 

So I can’t believe that embarkation day is just around the corner. Gotta start by giving a big shout out to my main man, partner and hubby, ROGER. Thanks “Honey”, for all your support, patience and understanding for these past three years as we began this journey to make this bucket list trip a reality. You truly are amazing to put up with me! Love You! 

Secondly, gratitude goes to my other partner ALEX as she has been just as supportive addressing my demands, need, wants and expectations. Yes, the “Diana Craziness” will end soon, I promise! The quiet and steady TED, Alex’s hubby cannot be forgotten. Thanks Ted for your generosity in understanding the demands of our group trip. And so glad you can join us as well.

My 30 plus year career in Recreation and Community Services has truly been a blessing. The City of Irvine has given me some incredible friendships. STELLA is the sister, I never had and now found, thanks to Irvine. This sisterhood has an incredible story that you will have to ask her to share with you. Let me preface Stella’s story by saying, it’s imaginary, but a great story over cocktails and I’ll close at that! But beside Stella, my working days with the City of Irvine brings about additional friendships on this cruise, they include: MARSHA, PATTY, ANGIE and her mom LIEN, MICHELE and her boyfriend BOB, JO MARY and her husband MICHAEL.   

Planning and dreaming of bucket list cruises, events, trips and getaways is obviously one of my passions. If I think about it, it’s been a part of my core for as long as I can remember. I started an annual Youth Ski Trip when I was a Sophmore in High School because there was no Recreation in my hometown of Sonoma and now in my retirement. I’m still planning, facilitating and coordinating events and activities. Including supporting Roger with his High School Reunion Committee which is where I had the pleasure of meeting SCOTT and his wife LIDDY. Scott was the reunion committee chair  and a fellow classmate with Roger. Liddy and I would attend the reunion committee meeting hoping to just sip our wine and support our husband from afar, but of course that was never the case. Needless to say, the bond was sanctioned and the four of us have become great friends sharing many fun memories and laughter. 

As the Cruise Connection article notes Peggy, Rocky and I goes way back to when we were in our early school days as kids. Traveling with them is LUCY, Peggy’s sister and Lucy’s husband JOHN who you might have caught his blog article “Traveling with a Camera”. Thanks John for your contribution. Additionally, Rocky’s fellow co-worker friend, MIKE and his wife CRISTIN will also be joining us on the 32 day cruise. And to show how truly small this world is, a fellow co-worker of mine Stephen from Irvine who had to drop from this cruise had invited his friend BILL and his girlfriend LINDA. Who by the way, decide even if Stephen dropped out that they would still join us. That’s terrific! Love, true travelers! The “Small World” and “Cruise Connection” concept found that there was a connection between Linda, Cristin and Peggy. It seems a few months ago at a dinner gathering, over a conversation there was a connection that the three gals all worked at the same hospital. Different departments, but same organization. Small World indeed !!

In closing, I need to give a big high five spotlight to my BESTIE BFF,  KAREN and her hubby BUZZ. Most recently, both Buzz and Karen had to drop from our cruise. Buzz had to schedule an unexpected surgery and unfortunately couldn’t get a medical recovery release in time to make this cruise. We all will be raising our glasses to toast you both in “Gratitude” as it was Karen who found this cruise for us and without her diligence we all would not be going. So as much as I will miss you greatly, Karen and Buzz, I am wanting you to recover with good health as this is only a hiccup and we will be planning another cruise journey again soon. 

Thank you everyone for all your love and support and yes, let the fun begin, its Bon Voyage Time and I’ll see you on deck!            

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