Friday, March 1, 2013


My fellow cruisers.........

Allow me to set the record straight.  Yes, I am married to Diana and yes, I did really good.  OK, OK, OK.....I did really, really, really good........but hey, I do have some redeeming qualities........hmmmm, I’m thinking.  
I mean seriously, could this cherubic wonder be anything but absolute joy and amazement??  Upon seeing this picture, I am sure that those of you who do know me will be wondering....WTF??  How could this cute, adorable child turn out to be the perverted, sick and twisted adult that we all know and love (way too strong) adore (again too yucky) like (close but no cigar) tolerate (yes, lets go with tolerate) and that somehow managed to get Diana to marry him??  Well, let me assure you it wasn’t easy!!

Had to ask her four (4) different times before she finally caved.  Seems she didn’t like being asked in the kitchen; or in my truck; or while on the toilet.......go figure??  So I actually had to spring for a romantic dinner and she caved.  See, a redeeming quality!

We’ve been married 23 years now, we’re both retired, and, as you know, been doing lots of traveling.  I was very concerned when we retired that Diana would get bored and want to go back to such luck.  Instead, she discovered the 24-7 internet, got bit by the travel bug and viola, here we are. Of course this 24-7 thing has totally ruined my sex life, but my sacrifice is your gain and we are about to embark on another great adventure.  See, I did REALLY good!!

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